Thursday, March 25, 2010


Life has been so busy with a new baby, working full time and starting my photography business. I have lots of great friends who all have such beautiful children - I am going to share a few images of some of my recent sessions with some precious babies...

but first a new one of my sweet baby girl, Neeley Anne Mitchum (7 months)

First is Lila Grace Litchfield who was 6 months old in these photos. She will be 1 - May 6th - I can't belive how fast the time has gone by - it seems like yesterday she was born. She is so sweet and a "Daddy looking baby" Her mom and I have been friends since we were 5 or 6, we are life long friends and we are so excited that our children get to grow up together. If we have anything to do with it, they are going to be besties!

Then we have Lidge Michael Brock, Jr - his mom and I have been friends since college. He is another "Daddy looking baby" I am not sure why none of the mommies have babies look like them. Lidge is full of smiles and giggles - more to come of this "Chunky Monkey."

And Lidge's big sister Peyton Alexander Brock "Alex" is a little star, she has the best personality and is so fun. She loves tutus and dressing up - she is definalty my kind of girly girl! She is so sweet and absolutely beautiful - I love photographing her sweet face!

Addison Kate Taylor - was born in December, to a sweet friend, Becky. Addie Kate, was the most amazing baby to photograph, she slept the whole time, she let us move her around and after 4 hours and 600 images - I say we got exactly what we wanted. Some sweet pictures of a precious little girl.

Ross Caroline Boyles is 5 weeks younger than my Neeley Anne. Her mom is another very good friend of mine, Sara Wiley. Yes, we have given her a double name! Ross is a fashionista already, her mom always has her in the cutest clothes. We took her photos in her room which was designed by her "Interior Designer" mommy. It is very pretty with melon colored walls and lime green and white bedding. A room any little baby girl would LOVE!

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